In the mid 80's the first embers were kindled.

The two flames were born into the colorful alternative scene. 

Through the clothing, the music and the lifestyle in general, Henning and Monika found themselves with a glimmering idea, the idea of empowering this strong and lively movement that was craved into their lives by a deep passion. 

With devotion and dedication both wanted to support and provide their beloved world and the upcoming generations with fashion trends that allows each and every of them to express their selves in purest form. 

After many years of thinking and trying to make themselves a respectable name they finally founded a brand that contained all aspects they wished to represent, form punk to goth, from rock ’n roll to metal and everything that lays in between. 

2011, the year of miracles, the webshop were set free, hungry for success; they made some yearly show-ups on a diversity of main events such as gothic events and heavy metal events. 

Quickly after launching, their name was spreading and conquering the fields, they became well known for delivering high quality and unique wearables. 

our dream still burns and is filled with desire to help you fulfill your dream of expression.